Pennsylvania-responsibility species
A Pennsylvania-responsibility species (the term may also refer to subspecies or varieties) is one for which Pennsylvania plays a key role in sustaining its global security by hosting at least 10% of its North American population or encompassing at least 25% of its North American range. Pennsylvania-endemic species are a special subgroup, consisting of species whose entire known ranges lie within the borders of the state. Unless or until they are found in other states, Pennsylvania-endemic species include flypoison bulb-borer moth (Papaipema sp. 1), Powdermill forestfly (Soyedina merritti), Refton Cave planarian (Sphalloplana pricei), Loyalhanna lichen (not yet described), and Stellmack’s cave amphipod (Stygobromus stellmacki).
To see photos of examples of Pennsylvania-responsibility species, click on the thumbnails below or watch the slide show on the home page.